Project: Mycelium

Mycelium is a desktop application aimed at helping freelance web developers manage clients and projects from multiple online sources like Upstack, Fiverr, and Toptal. All interactions with Mycelium are done through text commands or HotKeys, enabling one to efficiently manipulate data while availing oneself to the convenience of viewing, offered by the Graphical User Interface (GUI) created with JavaFX. The application is written in Java.

Below are the contributions I have made to the project:

  • Code contributed: RepoSense Link

  • Enhancements implemented: I implemented the Client entity of the Mycelium project, and ensured that a client’s attributes are compatible with the Jackson JSON library for storage and retrieval. JsonAdaptedClient
  • Additionally, I have designed and implemented the client-related parser and command classes necessary for users to perform a range of client-related actions, including editing clients: Client, UpdateClientCommand, UpdateClientCommandParser
  • To ensure the quality and functionality of the Client entity and its associated classes, I have also written a comprehensive set of test cases for the Client entity and its related classes: UpdateClientCommandTest, UpdateClientCommandParserTest, JsonAdaptedClientTest
  • Note: More on what else I’ve written can be found in the RepoSense link above.

  • Documentation:
    • Contributions to UG: I wrote the User Guide for the Client entity, including the adding, deleting, and updating of clients, under the Managing Clients section.
    • Contributions to DG: I documented the sections under Architecture, Model, and Storage.
  • Code Reviews: I have provided code reviews to the following PRs (Non-exhaustive):