
Setting up and maintaining the project website:

  • We use Jekyll to manage documentation.
  • The docs/ folder is used for documentation.
  • To learn how set it up and maintain the project website, follow the guide [se-edu/guides] Using Jekyll for project documentation.
  • Note these points when adapting the documentation to a different project/product:
    • The ‘Site-wide settings’ section of the page linked above has information on how to update site-wide elements such as the top navigation bar.
:bulb: In addition to updating content files, you might have to update the config files docs\_config.yml and docs\_sass\minima\_base.scss (which contains a reference to Mycelium that comes into play when converting documentation pages to PDF format).

Style guidance:


We use both and PlantUML as diagramming tools. The former is a drag and drop editor, while the latter defines UML diagrams through plain text files.

  • The docs/images directory contains ready-for-use pictures in PNG format. This may include UML diagrams and screenshots.
  • The docs/diagrams directory contains .puml files (for PlantUML) and .xml or .drawio files (for which allow editing and regenerating of diagrams.
  • All .puml files are placed within subdirectories of the docs/diagrams directory based on which component they are most closely aligned with. The same directory structure is used in the docs/images directory.